Friday, August 01, 2008

New XFRX version has been released (12.6)

A new XFRX version has been released this weekend (release notes here). We have fixed the nasty bug with XFRX switching SET NULL ON, fixed some dynamic features for VFP 9 SP2 and introduced the following new features:

  • Full justification. Text areas can now me marked as full justified by adding to the comment of the report field. The feature covers print and preview, picture output, MS Word output and PDF.
  • Absolute layout boxes in Word output are now automatically expandable - so if you hit Enter in the box in the word output, the box height will automatically grow to accommodate the new line
  • Hyperlink decoration can now be suppressed on the printer output.
    I am sure the blue and green hyperlinks are cool in the previewer, but they may not be so cool in the printer output. The XFRX previewer components now have a new property that control this behavior.
  • Custom buttons in the XFRX previewer toolbar
    XFRX now allow for adding custom buttons to the previewer using new events of the extension handler mechanism
Known issues
  • Recently we found out that Open Office changed something in their internal document format in Open Office 2.4 and our Open Office output can produce a broken layout if you use it with the latest version of Open Office. We are now working on fixing this and will post an updated version as soon as it is ready.
  • XFRX does not support the new trim options in VFP 9. The next update will include a fix for this, too.
The evaluation version is available for download from our web site at

Our customers with valid subscription can download the new version from

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